How Pediatric Allergy Care Can Protect First-Time Parents If Their Children Are Allergic To Peanuts

Being a first-time parent is often both an eye-opening and scary situation. Parents really learn on the job and may experience some wild road bumps. For example, they may have a child who shows a peanut allergy at an early age after eating peanuts or a dish with them. This scary situation is something that parents must fully understand, particularly regarding the treatment methods available. Many Children Are Allergic to Peanuts Read More 

Understanding Men’s Hormone Therapy

If you are considering men's bioidentical hormone therapy, you may already know that men's testosterone levels decrease with age. Some men do not want hormones like testosterone to wane. Are you thinking about using hormone therapy? Read on to learn more. What Does Testosterone Do? Testosterone is required for many aspects of life. Male sexual development stems from this hormone, as does reproductive function. This hormone also helps men build muscle and bulk up,  and it also helps them maintain solid bone density. Read More 

Did You First Time Using Cannabis Do Nothing For You? 4 Tips To Feel The Effects The Second Time Around

You decided to go ahead and jump on the cannabis trend. Whether you were aiming for pain relief or just to have a little fun, it's disappointing to discover that your first try did nothing. For some reason, certain people seem to not feel the effects of cannabis the first time that they try it. The effects of cannabis tend to rely upon a variety of factors that include your body type, overall health and the environment in which you tried it. Read More 

Reasons To Visit A Compounding Pharmacy If Your Child Has A Sensitive Gag Reflex

Some children naturally have a stronger gag reflex than others, which basically means they are highly sensitive to things touching their throat or they are more inclined to vomit or retch easily. This condition can commonly come along with certain disorders, such as autism spectrum disorder or developmental disorders. In any case, if your child does have a strong gag reflex, it can make it really difficult when they have to take medications. Read More 

What Cataract Surgery Patients Should Know About Single-Dose Steroids

The threat of losing your vision can be a major medical problem, and it is an unfortunate fact of life that there are many medical conditions that could potentially have severe impacts on a patient's vision. While it is possible for a patient to undergo surgery to have their cataracts removed, they may fail to appreciate the various medications that they may require throughout their recovery. More specifically, a person will likely need the use of post-surgery cataract steroids. Read More